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Become a transformation agent


In a world characterized by complexity and ambiguity, leadership development is about much more than implementing the latest new leadership paradigm.

It is increasingly about being able to perceive and respond to the reality and the potentials that continuously arise. Therefore, it is important to have the ability to lead people through processes where we may barely know the challenges we face - and not at all the answer.   

Change by Design Circle is a program that increases your courage and enables you to mobilize others and design and lead transformative change in a sustainable way.      


You will work intensively on designing transformative processes, training methods to mobilize and facilitate stakeholders and not least on strengthening yourself as a leader of change.      

You will be introduced to well-founded and research-based methods and tools that we ourselves have experienced that have enriched our practice and that have contributed to creating remarkable transformative changes in our clients' organizations.  

You will experience different learning environments - we will be both in nature and in inspiring surroundings in the city. You will continuously train what you learn, at home in your own organization. 


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Our offer is aimed at managers and specialists in the private and public sectors who want to learn how to design and lead transformative change:


  • You are either a leader of strategic initiatives, act as a change manager, innovation partner, or development specialist or are the leader of a team or department that focuses on innovation and change

  • You are involved in innovation work aimed at new or existing end users or you are in charge of developing internal processes, culture or structures

  • You experience leading initiatives and the included stakeholders that challenge the organization's status quo without having the right prerequisites to address the challenges you face when it comes to strategic frameworks, tools and methods


In other words, you find yourself in a situation where you feel inadequate in relation to the complex change you are involved in. You need new insights and tools to increase your strategic impact.  

The program includes:

  • A personal coaching session about your intention to participate at Change by Design Circle  

  • 5 full-day workshops (10-17) incl. catering

  • Virtual check-in between each workshop

  • Access to a digital platform with reading material and video clips

Throughout the program, you will be asked to complete various tasks to build and train your skills in transformative change.   


After completing the program, you will have access to the Change by Design Circle's Alumni offer.

The total price for the entire program is DKK 30,000 ex VAT

The program takes place in Danish and takes place in beautiful settings in and around Copenhagen; either indoors in centrally located premises or outdoors north of Copenhagen.

You get deep insight into concrete tools within:

  • Essential models for designing and leading transformations in organizations 

  • Being able to frame sustainable development strategically  

  • Leading up and engaging key stakeholders 

  • To create and maintain safe development spaces and facilitate conditions for successful projects

  • To strengthen your authentic leadership by addressing self-limiting behaviours and patterns and thereby increasing your level of awareness


Your organization will benefit from a:

  • Change process manager who can link the change to the organisation's strategy and purpose 

  • A facilitator who knows how to create space for real change and ensures that all stakeholders are heard and involved

  • Change specialist with solid knowledge of processes, methods and tools to facilitate and drive transformative change

  • A colleague who has become even more aware of his/her position and role in creating sustainable organizational change

Our offering


WS #1 - September 20
Wake-up calls for transformation

What is transformative change


What calls for transformative change right now and why is it a good idea to get started 


How you analyze your own and your organization's readiness for change 


How to identify the type of change in which you are involved

WS #2 - 30 October
Transformation in 

What must be in place to be able to change organizations transformatively


What are the classic pitfalls in change initiatives 


What are the decisive things organizationally and procedurally to succeed 

WS #3 - November 29
Transformation facilitation

What mind-set and behavior characterizes a leader of transformative change


How do you create the conditions to succeed with transformative change 


How do you facilitate and lead change at different levels of consciousness


How do you mobilize the right people in your change

DAY #4 - December 13
Transformation of yourself 

How to expand your level of consciousness and overcome self-limiting patterns and behaviors


How do you strengthen your courage and leave behind what stands in the way of you being fully yourself




Mille Østerlund
Director, cybersecurity | EY

The most important thing about the circle is that it - and the good people in it - have functioned as an anchor to hold on to design thinking.

Both as a personal tool for curiosity, as a management tool – and as a prism to see the world and its possibilities.

Signe Utoft Andersen
Innovation Facilitator | NNE

I gained a much greater awareness of my way of acting and making changes together with others in the organization and this - together with new theory and tools - has significantly strengthened me in my work.

Sara Kristine Berthou
Innovation consultant | IDA

The training in facilitating and creating complex changes in organizations, transformation management and not least my point of view as a change agent, has given me a huge amount of inspiration, hope and meaning in my pocket.

The tools are already in play and the reflections are still flowing freely.

I can honestly say that I walked out the door changed, in the very best way.

Trine Demant
Chief Consultant | Region H 

Change by Design Circle has in many ways been mindblowing in relation to hitting, nuance and manifesting changes both privately, in organizations and in society.


Huge recommendations.

Christian Ertmann-Christiansen 
Business Developer | DBC 

The course is very skilfully facilitated.


We were constantly activated with exercises that, among other things, focused on how each of us is authentic as leaders.


A very safe space was created which, despite our very different starting points, meant that we could grow together, explore and learn from each other.



Change by Design Circle is offered by ViaDesign founded by Ida Vesterdal and Sune Kjems in 2001. 

We both have +20 years of experience in helping organizations innovate and change. We work in both the public and private sectors. We are used in various roles, as coaches of leaders responsible for change, as advisors in implementing innovation and change and as designers of new processes, models and structures that create change.


Our approach and toolbox is a combination of design thinking, cultural analysis, transformational management and indigenous wisdom traditions. 


We have certifications in Design Thinking from Stanford d:school, Transformation Leadership from Being First, Foundations in Sustainability-Inspired Strategy + Applications in Strategic Sustainability from The Natural Step and Menneskets Vej from IndiLife.

We believe that leading transformatively is a necessity in order to solve the complex challenges we face in society and in our organisations. We know from experience that many are challenged with strategic change or innovation initiatives because they underestimate what is needed or do not have the necessary tools. 

Sometimes it's also about the leader pointing the arrow at himself and weeding out stuck notions about himself and others. 


Via Design's motivation for Change by Design Circle is to strengthen leaders and specialists in succeeding with transformative change and create a safe space to learn, train, develop and grow together.



Ida is a trusted advisor who helps managers, teams and organizations succeed with innovation and change.


Ida has worked for a number of years at Novo Nordisk, first as a specialist and project manager for user-driven innovation, later as head of the Innovation Facilitation department, which provided assistance to both management and countless innovation projects. 


Ida is a trained cultural analyst and has a very good eye for spotting the needs of the many involved in the change and seeing potential and solutions when challenges arise. 

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Sune is one of Denmark's leading specialists in design thinking, service design and transformation design.
He is trained in visual communication at Danmark Designskole and is a member of Denmark's Design Council


In addition to his work as a consultant and management advisor, Sune teaches design thinking and sustainable management at the Royal Academy, among others. on the continuing education course Design Thinking Executive.   

Over the past 15 years, Sune has furthered his education in wisdom traditions from indigenous people, which he now integrates into his work as a management developer and teacher.

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